My first book, “The Language of Aikido: A Practitioner’s Guide to Japanese Characters and Terminology” is now available on Amazon, iTunes, and Barnes & Noble! See the book’s website for detailed information!
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Introduction to Kanji: How Radicals Work
Introduction to Kanji: Radicals
In this video, I introduce you to radicals, the magical pieces-parts building blocks that make up kanji. Learning radicals will greatly improve your ability to decipher even unknown kanji!
In our next episode, I will be taking a look at how radicals work and how they appear in a number of common words.
If you don’t see the video embedded above, watch it at YouTube:
Introduction to Kanji
Introduction to Japanese Phonology II
In this video, I talk about voiced consonants, plosives, palatalized sounds, and sequential voicing.
Introduction to Japanese Phonology I
In this video, I talk about basic Japanese pronunciation, including vowels and consonant+vowel combinations.